Friday, February 5, 2010

Love your rolls

Heart shape made of athletic tape on red background

Some have one roll, others have two and there are some who are graced with three or more rolls. No matter how many you have, I've come to the realisation that you have to love your rolls.

Now, before you say "what the?" listen to my epiphany that I had this morning.

When I look in the mirror sideways and see my rolls, my first thoughts were to always hate what I was seeing and be disgusted. Or when I'm trying on a top, I always make sure that I can't see any "roll-age" on display. Now, this is VERY difficult when the rolls are a part of me and my current body structure.

So, what I find is that I get depressed, frustrated and upset with my rolls...and yes, you know where I'm going with this now...all these emotions lead to potential giving up on a diet, feeling hopeless and angry at oneself for not sticking to a diet and ultimately may lead to eating your weakness. For me this would be chocolate, or whatever was easiest to shove in my mouth.

Or perhaps even saying "oh well, who cares, just for tonight I shall indulge". Why? All because I have myself stirred up negative emotions towards myself.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you adopt a "Fat bastard" - a.k.a the scottish dude from Austin Powers - attitude and start rubbing your hands over your body and saying "look at me, I'm damn sexy! Look at my tit-ies!"

What I am saying is that you should always love yourself and know that your body doesn't define you as a person. I believe the key is to look at yourself and say that you are a work in progress, and that the rolls are currently being "ironed out" and they are around for a limited time only!

Use them as motivating force to keep you on track to the better you!

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