Friday, March 5, 2010

I want to look HOT!

If I had to name my biggest motivation for losing weight and if you wanted a real answer...I want to look HOT!

Most of my life I have struggled with my weight. In around 2002/3 I lost a whole stack of weight and I looked great! (All modesty aside of course!) I could fit into a size 10-12 pants which I can hardly believe now. I am annoyed that I allowed myself to gain weight again and blossom to my state today.

Before I get all depressed again, I have to remember that I did use to be 10kgs heavier than I am today, so at least I am not where I used to be and I have a goal for where I want to be!

I want to be able to wear clothes from Witchery, Country Road, Ojay, Portmans  and all of those other gorgeous brands that only really fits people up to a size 12! I want to be able to wear a shirt tucked in! I want to be able to wear a belt! A dress! A skirt! Things other than black! I want to be able to wear something sleeveless!

Ok, so say you walk into an apparel store. You avoid all the clothes that are for tall people (oh, did I mention that I'm also 5'1?...I know vertically and horizontally challenged!), so now we're down to 75% of the store. Next we have to avoid anything with a "cling" to it, which takes us down to 50% of the store. Our next items to avoid or walk straight past are all the light coloured items - especially white, cream, beige, so now we're down to 25% of the store. All dresses and skirts - OUT, so now we're at 10% of the store. Prints, horizontal stripes, we're at 2%.

Out of the leftover items, out of the 2% of the store...what's left? Size 8 and accessories! PUH-LEEZE!!!!

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